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Kevin Tong's new art print series 'Unfamiliar Objects' is now available for pre-order!

Here is a detailed look at all of the new prints...

Photographic Memories


This print is called Photographic Memories. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200.
Kevin on this print...
"The idea of recording an entire life on film has always had a profound effect on me. Perhaps at the end, there would be millions of photos. What if I could only put them onto a single roll of film? What parameters would I use to decide which moments to discard, which to keep? The very thought turns my mind into a lifeboat on the ocean, so I chose the simple life of a butterfly as my test subject."
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here
25 Cent Treasure 

This print is called Twenty Five Cent Treasure. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200. 

Kevin on this print...
"Gum Balls were one of many things I loved as a kid. The bright color and candy flavor clashed with the reality that soon my cherished treasure would be a hard and flavorless chunk of rubber in my mouth. On a long enough timeline and when you stand back far enough, all treasured moments are essentially a Gum Ball, so fleeting and so small, they might not have even happened. Despite this, these Gum Ball moments still mean something to us. They happen and they pass. We could choose to save the Gum Ball by never chewing on it and keep it forever, but then we'd never experience it either."
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here

Reaching For Love

This print is called Reaching For Love. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200. 

Kevin on this print... 
"Who hasn't played those Crane Claw games at an arcade? The shiny prizes are so close, separated only by glass and yet getting them is nearly impossible. Many people have passions and pursuing those passions at times can be like playing a Crane Claw game to get a prize. Perhaps there's only one prize buried among dozens of empty prize shells. Perhaps there is only the promise of a prize, but all of them are empty. Reaching for the prize could be like grasping at floating dandelion seeds, wherein the act of grasping actually pushes it farther away. Even actually grasping the prize isn't a promise, it could still slip out and be lost again. Then again, some people might just get the prize on their first try."
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here
Reel Life to Reel Death

This print is called Reel Life to Reel Death. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200.
Kevin on this print...
"There isn't a whole lot to say about this one, the idea is clear."
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here
Short Wave Contact

This print is called Short Wave Contact and is part of Kevin Tong's 'Unfamiliar Objects' series. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200.
Kevin on this print...
"Being a person living in a modern metropolis is wonderful, but something gets lost. With so many cars, signs, buildings, streets, lights,  schedules, phone calls, jobs, meetings, and other distractions, we all become background noise. Often, I wonder just how much gets lost in the rush to gain progress and momentum. Truly listening to someone these days means adjusting one's antenna and tuning the knobs to get the right frequency for the clearest sound. It means turning off the record player and TV and computer and anything else that makes noise other than the Radio. Even when the antenna and knobs are just right, the act of being near the Radio can cause static."
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here

The View

This print is called The View. It's a 4 colour screen print on 18 x 24" Off White Cover Paper. Edition of 200.

Kevin on this print...
"This print builds on the same idea that "Photographic Memories" does. The View-Master was a staple of my childhood. To my dismay, the only paper disks I had were store-bought photo synopses of Disney films. I used to pretend that I could see my future in the View-Master, that each click would give me a view of a moment farther into things yet to happen. How nice would that be? Imagine, before beginning your life, to have a variety of paper disk futures to view which depict choice moments of different versions of your life, then to choose a favourable version?"
To pre-order this print for £35 - click here 
To order the entire 'Unfamiliar Objects' series for £190 (£20 saving) - click here

We also have 2 new art prints from Kevin that are only available from the Flood Gallery.


Anthem is a 3 colour screen print on 18 x 24"  Black Cover Paper. Edition of 30.


Kevin on this print...
"It's an art print version of a poster I did for the Ayn Rand novel, "Anthem". Books and reading have been the primary sculptor of my ideas, the ideas in this series are no exception. I remember reading Ayn Rand years ago and while I don't completely agree with her philosophies, I can't argue that they pushed me to question things."

To pre-order this print for £60 - click here


Capsule is a 3 colour screen print on 18 x 24"  Black Cover Paper. Edition of 30.


This print is called Capsule. It's a 3 colour screen print on 18 x 24 inch Dark Blue Cover Paper. Edition of 30.

Kevin on this print...
"It's an art print version of a poster I did for the Aldous Huxley novel, "Brave New World". Books and reading have been the primary sculptor of my ideas, the ideas in this series are no exception. The book, despite being fictional, solidified within me the need to be independent and to formulate my own ideas. I think it is extremely appropriate because the city inside the capsule contains elements of London, as the story of "Brave New World" takes place in London."

 To pre-order this print for £60 - click here 

Also... just a reminder 

All these prints will be on show at the 'Introducting: Kevin Tong & John Vogl' exhibition at the Flood Gallery from October 13-17th.

We are launching the exhibition with an opening party from 7pm on the evening of October 13th. A chance to come along and be the first to see all of the work featured in the show. Kevin will be in attendance and prints will be available for sale over the counter for the first time. Our neighbours at Hola Paella will be open for the evening and food and drink will be available.

Filming for the up coming Scout Shannon directed gig poster documentary 'Just Like Being There' staring Kevin will also take place on the night.

Alongside the new print series we will also have some of Kevin’s highly sought after work available to buy throughout the duration of the show.